Sunday, June 11, 2000

Comment Policy

I do not moderate comments, I allow comments because I want to learn and the best way to learn is harsh criticism. Being force to defend my ideas, in public, is the best way to strengthen my ideas. Plus, if I do have a bad idea, it is best that is it struck down. Thus, I'm all for constructive criticism.

However, any hurtful, violent or hateful will be deleted. If you want to promote a site, then add a thoughtful comment. That will encourage more of my readers to visit you than spamming a link. Just trying you save your time and my time (Deleting comments is annoy). However, don't be scared to post links, I love when people add relevant sites. If you are not sure if a site is relevant, feel free to ask me.

However, you are free to post off-topic comments, we all need some fun in our lives. :)
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