Monday, March 9, 2009

Using 2012... It's so Tempting

December 12, 2012, 11:11 GMT (+ 100^n google hits) is a day that has the general public shaking in it's boots. However, the scientific community has disproved this theory many times over. Unfortunately, as the blog, Astroengine, points out, fear sells and this trait of fear will defeat any reasoned scientific approach. We “got it wrong, debunking the doomsayers who are doing this for financial gain are not concerned whether their evidence adds up, they are using one tool that [we] cannot influence. Fear” (Astroengine 1).

The reason this idea has lived on for so long is because it “draws on the hysteria behind the possibility of mass death and destruction... No amount of science articles or reasoning or logic can fight off the air of fear that surrounds the question 'What if?'” and people make money off this (Astroengine 2). It seems to a losing battle and as the saying goes, when you can't beat them, join them. But, in this case, I'm not sure following that long held saying is the right idea.

In the face of such odds it is very tempting to join the dark side. I could write a blog post titled (*takes safety off caps lock key of death*)“ZOMG, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END, WE NEED TO MOVE TO MARS, NOW!!!!!!! 50*10^200 exclamation marks” and convince a lot of people just by mentioning 2012 and using the fear that is generated by the echo chamber of blogs and social media sites. I would have to cite one source, I would not have to check facts, I think I could even get away with not checking spelling and grammar which such a post. It is all too easy to sell something by using fear.

But, alas, it will not benefit the space community to use this argument. When this date pasts with no huge events, then the space community will be caught with it's pants down. Those who made many by selling books based on poor logic will seem like someone with a parking ticket when compared to a group that has betrayed the public trust and used tax dollars, all gained through fear. We can not use this tactic; Yes, using 2012 to promote space habitation is tempting and would be effective in the short term, in the long term we would lose the public support space endeavors enjoy today. We must do everything we can to remain on moral high ground; we can never use 2012 to prove the need for space ventures.

1 and 2: Ian O'Neill. Astroengine: No Doomsday in 2012: The Reason Why Science Will Not Win [Internet]. 22 June, 2008 – [cited 9 March, 2009]. Available from:
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