Friday, July 24, 2009

We Need to Stop Drinking The Kool-Aid

The Space Show uses the term Kool-Aid to describe any space project which does not look past the engineering; any space project which does not consider social, financial or political obstacles. The space habitation movement needs to stop drinking the Kool-aid. I would even say we are not putting water in our Kool-aid and just eating the powder.

We have overcome the engineering obstacles to space habitation long ago with the Apollo 11 landings. We have yet to develop any plan for space which overcomes the social, financial, political, engineering and many other types of problems all at once. Look, there is no way around it, we need to fundamentally reshape our society, reshape our lives if humanity wants to inhabit space. That not something that will take a few years, it will take a few generations; it will take alot of planning to change everything we need to change.

Kool-aid drinking in the space movement also will cause another problem. The space movement will get sugar highs where we can accomplish things like Apollo, but then we will crash and spend 40+ years shell shocked. In other words, If a plan only addresses one of the following: social, financial, political and engineering, then the public will only support that plan for a short time. Space Habitation is a multi-generational objective. We need something sustainable, and one can not live off Kool-aid.


-Is the space movement filled with absurdity?

-Is it worth delays in space habitation to get the correct plan?

In Case You Skimmed

-Social, financial, political and engineering concerns must all be addressed in any, sustainable plan for space.

Space habitation is a multi-generational plan that needs to be sustainable.

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