Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wasting an Intention

What about the big picture of the day? As you get up in the morning, what is the intention for this day? What is the intention? So, for example, your intention… one of the intentions for the day might be to go to the market to buy food. You could follow through on that and go home. But, if the intention was to go to the market and buy food and come home. It’s a fine intention if you need food. But, I would suggest it is a missed opportunity. Because, if before you go shopping you think “what intention do I want to infuse this activity with”, you can infuse it with other intentions as well. You can, for example, infuse it with the intention that when you go shopping you are going to try to be around people in the store, with the clerks and whoever, in a way that is kind. The way the somehow expresses friendliness. So you are still following through with the intention to get food, but then you are infusing it with more. You are multitasking, which is very popular. So, you multitask with your intention. And it doesn’t take a lot more out of you. To decide to go to the store and be friendly, but in the big picture of your life and what get developed and supported and what fuels this wonderful, reciprocal in which our actions can feed back and support our intentions. The intention you choose to act on and live your life by are very consequential. And if you stop and think about it “what do I really want to do with this life, what do I really want to do today? What’s really important this day that I am lucky enough to be alive for? Is the most important thing I can think of doing is going to the store and buying food? I have to buy food, but is there something more meaningful that I could be doing in this moment?”. I would suggest that there is.

~ Zencast 8:55 – 11:25

Is the best thing humanity can think of doing with space only space habitation? Can we not modify society with space? Can we not modify our very human nature with space which has been rigid for too many year? Can we not strip ourselves of all our traits that have caused others far too much suffering for too long? Can we not become less violent and virus-like with space? What are we developing and supporting by banning weapons in space? What are we developing and supporting if we weaponize space? Can we inhabit space in a way that conveys friendliness? Can we do something with this opportunity?


-What other intentions should we add to our hope for a day when humanity inhabits space?


Fronsdal, Gil. “Intention” Zencast. 30 August 2009. Audio Dharma. 29 September 2009. <http://amberstar.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=520583>

In Case You Skimmed

-To become space faring only to become space faring is a waste.

-The species can improve so much if we infuse other intentions with the habitation intention.

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