Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SSP as Motivation for Increasing the Safety of Orbital Space

Orbital space is a shooting gallery, while it is uncommon for space junk to collide with active space assets, this is only a reflection of the probability of hitting a small target. As the number and size of orbital space assets (in the form of satellites, space stations and space solar power station) increases, the probability of a disaster increases. We already saw two examples in recent news, the International Space Station was almost obliterated and two satellites smashed into each other.

Due to the massive amounts of space solar power station needed to power the world and due to there size, if we do not clean up space, those platforms would be damaged. If any organization made the investment into Space Solar Power, then they would have a ton of political power. Enough power to get policies implemented that would protect their investments. I think that such an organization would push for a law that required all space junk to be removed by their owners when that equipment's lifespan ended: a sort of no littering law for orbital space. Such a law would make space safer for manned space station, which can not take any sort of hit because they were to take a hit, they would loss their atmosphere to the vacuum of space. Investors like less risk, so if space were to get cleaned, investors might fell better about putting up money.
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