Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Haven't Been Posting

Hey, I really miss you all and posting on this blog. But, the equipment I use to post on is blog is going haywire. First, my router is fried; it is blackened from a short. Second, my laptop screen is not turning on. I hope it is only a driver (which I need the internet to replace), but it doesn't look like that. :( Finally, my school blocks blogger.com, so I can't post after school. I'm using my blackberry and mail2blogger to post now, but this keyboard is small. So, until I think of a better way to post or I repair those two broken pieces of technology, I'm stuck. If anyone can help me, that would be nice. I have a desktop, so I should be back up in 2 weeks. Thank you for your time in reader my blog.
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