Thursday, July 2, 2009

Axioms of Space Habitation

In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary decision. Therefore, its truth is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths. ~ Wikipedia

I think space habitation has the following axioms:

  • Humanity's existence is threatened
    • If this isn't true, space habitation losses a lot of steam.
  • Humans should be allowed to reproduce freely
    • If Humanity's reproduction is controlled, we could remain on Earth and live happily. 
  • Humans should have the ability to be prosperous; they should have more then they need to survive
    • If every human was only given what they need to survive, we would have less of an impact on the planet and it could support more people. Thus, we could stay here. 
  • Humanity owes the universe; the Earth is not the only place given to us to live on
    • This idea come up while I was debating space habitation with a Christian. People who believe in space habitation assume the universe is ours along with it's resources. We have always assumed we have this planet, why assume more? 
  • Humanity should fight it's extinction
    • Individual people have to accept their death's, why shouldn't the group accept it's death?
  • Humans should push themselves and their machines
    • We could easily stay within our comfort zone, why leave it?  
  • Humans should risk their lives for a dream or an idea
    • Why should you risk your life if you are or someone you care about is not in danger?
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