Stephanie B, author of the blogs Ask Me Anything and Rocket Scientist posted this comment on yesterday's post:
Urgency is a relative term. If we WILL need something 30 years down the line but it takes 30 years to get there, it is urgent.
If we need something a hundred years from now and we can get there in thirty years, it's not urgent.
The problem, of course, is that (a) predicting how long it will take to get there can change depending on urgency and technological breakthroughs and (b) no one knows how soon the needs will become critical and (c) no one really knows how long it would take to get there.
There's too much speculation for me to have a definitive opinion.~ Stephanie B
She is right, that there is a lot of speculation here, but, after reading her comment, I was convinced that space habitation was more urgent then what I previously thought. Let's assume if we do not have space habitation when we need it then bad things will happen. Since we do not know how long it takes to achieve space habitation and when it will become a need, we have to assume it is urgent to avoid the consequences of not having space habitation when we need it.
Someone needs to give her a raise. For more brilliant ideas like the above comment, check out Ask Me Anything and Rocket Scientist.
Stephanie B. "Urgency is a relative term" [Weblog comment.] August 28, 2009. Type 1 and Type 2 Engineering. Aron Sora. Habitation Intention. August 28, 2009. ( August 28, 2009.
In Case You Skimmed
- Since we do not know when we will need space habitation, we must assume it is an urgent need.