Tuesday, August 18, 2009

XKCD Teaches a Lesson About Colonization

XKCD posted this a couple of days ago:


Yes, I know, this comic a joke, but I saw a connection between this comic and space colonization. (Wow, I'm such a space cadet, I can't read anything without connecting it to space) This comic reinforces my fear: I fear the destructive exploitation of space will destroy the opportunity space provides humanity. This comic represents what the plans for space habitation must avoid. When we go to inhabit space, we can't bring nothing but tools to exploit space. We must bring tools to replenish the things we take, to repair the damage that we cause and to make our efforts sustainable. Otherwise, we will be in the same pile of fail that we find ourselves in here on Earth when we move into space.

When we move into space, we need to not be blinded by the dollar signs that twinkle in every star, because that will lead to short term planning. We need to plan for the epidemics and other problems that may occur in space and not have a money blinded race into space. That's why I avoid the word space colonization, I feel it is to focused on money, so focused on money that it is destructive. That's is what I want humanity's journey into space to avoid. Yes, we can all get rich off space, but don't let that blind you from the dangers, the difficulty and the future. That's what profit blinded those Oregon settlers to.


-Do you think I'm wrong?

-Does space habitation need to focus on profit to motivate people to get off the planet?

In Case You Skimmed

-Space habitation must focus on the long term.

-Space habitation efforts can be blinded to long term consequences by the riches of space.

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