Monday, January 4, 2010

Do We Really Need a Space Habitation?

Today I’m going to put on my fringe science fiction hat today. Let’s assume, for this post, that that is an organization that has the most epic, l33t engineers who can build anything and unlimited money.

Let’s say this organization develops antigravity. One could use this device to make insulin crystals on Earth. One can make perfect spheres on Earth. All without the costs to leave the gravity well of Earth. This would be a nail in the coffin of space habitation.

This organization is just getting started. Let’s say they develop a machine that can remove carbon-dioxide from the astrosphere with a negative carbon footprint. While they are at that, the make a radar that can pick up every asteroid coming towards Earth 100 years in advance. Then, they make a device that can launch onto a asteroid and push it away. They make ways to stop earthquakes, tsunamis, and all the other humanity ending disasters. Why would humanity need to back up the biosphere? Humanity’s security would be guaranteed already.

Let’s say they developed a machine that can create any material, creating any rare resources that can be found in space in vast quantities. You know, seeing how we have no development obstacles, let’s develop a warp system to allow use to warp any Near Earth Object (NEO) we choose with low energy costs to Earth’s surface safely.

Of course, this organization would develop a power planet the size of a normal power planet that can supply the power humanity consumes now a thousand times over.

My question to you, would we need space habitation in anyway if this powerful organization where reality?


-If all of the economic benefits of space habitation existed on Earth, would there still be a reason to inhabit space?

In Case You Skimmed

  • If there is no economic reason for space habitation, it’s hard to justify.
    • This is my experiment to see what justifications people come up with outside of economic ones.

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