Welcome to Counter Argument Thursday (CAT). This is where I write blog post the is opposite and critical of my position on space habitation and space habitation. I do not agree with the position in the blog post, but it is an argument I need to address.
Space habitation is a dream that cannot survival the vicious political cycles in modern government structures, just like every plan that takes multiple generations. space habitation will take at least two generations. Even a moon base takes 30 years to build, as claimed in the paper Lunar Industries and Their Value for the Human Environment on Earth. I can’t even claim there will be long term political stability in a totalitarian state, they too have political cycles. In fact, unless a long term goal in woven into the social fabric of a nation, it won’t get done. Furthermore, to be blunt, space is far from being woven into the social fabric of, at least, the United States. I offer the Rasmussen Reports article 50% Favor Cutting Back on Space Exploration as proof. If a moon landing can’t make space into a social goal, nothing can. Thus, there will be progress toward space habitation while it is politically favorable and that progress will be halted when the tides turn.
In Case You Skimmed
-Space habitation is a long term goal the requires political stability.
-Political stability simply doesn’t exist
-Could an international organization offer the political stability needed to space habitation?
-Could space habitation research hibernate in academia during politically rough times, only to reemerge better then ever when the public is ready?
-Will there be funding for space habitation in academia during politically rough times?
-Will there be a student interest in space habitation during politically rough times?
Krafft A. Ehricke, Lunar industries and their value for the human environment on Earth, Acta Astronautica, Volume 1, Issues 5-6, May-June 1974, Pages 585-622, ISSN 0094-5765, DOI: 10.1016/0094-5765(74)90023-X. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V1N-4805SJ8-5/2/4d9bdc1efb4a1a033b97f934b0fe09e8)
Rasmussen Reports, “50% Favor Cutting Back on Space Exploration” Weblog entry. Rasmussen Reports. January 15, 2010. January 18, 2010 <http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/